Компания "Медовый дом" производит оптовые закупки цветочного и монофлорного меда. Тел. +78126771885 доб. 2009 e-mail: Физические лица могут приобрести продукцию только в розничных магазинах. Актуальные вакансии размещены на сайте HeadHunter

Our history and our philosophy

1998 year

The company HONEY HOUSE was founded in 1998 and is the largest supplier in Russia

2000 year

HONEY HOUSE was the first in Russia to start production of branded packaged honey under the brand name "Dedushkin Uley". With the same brand, the company was the first to start deliveries to the federal networks of the country.

2006/2007 year

The winner of the independent TV program Test Purchase of the Channel One Russia.

2009 year

Launch of the first full cycle production line, which allows the production of high quality honey.

2010 year

The company presented to the market its own development, a patented and unique product - granulated dry honey.

2011 year

The company's products became the leader of the popular vote. The production volume increased to 5 thousand tons of honey per year.

2012 year

Honey granules of the company HONEY HOUSE were presented at an exhibition in Paris.

2015 year

The first delivery of honey to China, to the city of Qingdao, Shandong province. Honey " Dedushkin Uley " became the winner of the Test Purchase Issue dated 17.02.15. Start of rebranding of the company and renewal of the brand portfolio.

2016 year

Launching a full-scale rebranding of the company, changing the logo, website, updating all the lines of the company. Based on the market, we started active work with online sales. The company HONEY HOUSE cooperates with the largest platforms in Russia, including "Utkonos", "Azbuka Vkusa", "O'Key". Also HONEY HOUSE LLC confirmed the compliance of the food safety management system at the honey factory with the requirements of the international standard FSSC 22000, approved by the global food safety initiative GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative).

2017 year

Based on the results of testing the national product monitoring system, the HONEY HOUSE trademarks were transferred to the category “Goods with the Quality Mark”. The company "HONEY HOUSE" became a laureate of the prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of quality. The products were marked with the “100 best goods of Russia” label. Winning the 2017 RedDot Award for herbal teas design.

2018 year

HONEY HOUSE LLC confirmed the compliance of the food safety management system at the tea factory with the requirements of the international standard FSSC 22000, approved by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). Start of the project MEDOVIY DOM FERMA for the production of delicatessen canned meat and fish, in particular, the company uses farm turkey, veal, lamb, chicken and others. In September, HONEY HOUSE LLC was one of the first in the FMCG category in Russia to pass a social audit in accordance with international requirements. The audit results are posted on the international platform Sedex (Sedex is used to manager work on labor rights, health and safety, environment and business ethics). At the end of the year, HONEY HOUSE received the EFQM Recognized for Excellence 5 Star certificate. This certification empasizes the organization's high-quality business approach and its ability to innovate.

2019 year

The company took part in the 6th international exhibition of contract manufacturing and goods sold under its own trademark - IPLS. Based on the results of working with the IT service for job search and recruiting SuperJob of 2019, HONEY HOUSE LLC was recognized as an “Attractive Employer”. The products were marked with the “100 best goods of Russia” label. The laureate diploma was awarded to sugar confectionery products: honey smoothies. The company HONEY HOUSE LLC took part in the 28th International Exhibition WorldFood Moscow, and was highly appreciated by the organizer for the relevance and professionalism of the presented exposition. Launch of the production of products for a healthy diet: dry granola, granola with honey, a line of mono teas.

2020 year

The HONEY HOUSE products are in the top 10 of the best new products in the country according to the IPLS. The company took part in the 7th international exhibition of contract manufacturing and goods sold under its own trademark - IPLS. In December, our company took part in the QUALITY GUARANTEE-2020 competition. As a result of quality assessment, MEDOVIY DOM FERMA received three gold medals for canned meat and two gold medals for canned fish, as well as two diplomas of quality. HONEY HOUSE received a gold medal for chicory from a new collection of dry drinks of the brand of the same name.

2021 year

The company HONEY HOUSE confirms the organic safety of its products by successfully passing the voluntary certification "Organic Product of Russia", which once again confirms the environmental safety of the products and raw materials used for their manufacture.

The company's products have a number of undeniable advantages.
Natural product

The purchase of raw materials is carried out in exceptionally ecologically clean regions of Russia: in the Far East, Bashkiria, in the Altai Territory, Tula, Tambov, Saratov, Voronezh regions, the Republic of Crimea, Abkhazia and others.

Quality control

We carry out full testing of products in our own laboratory.

Made with love

Our technologists and specialists of the quality department make every effort to create the best product.

From the apiary straight to the house

The company "HONEY HOUSE" buys honey directly from beekeepers, conducts control tests and delivers it directly to your table.

Our partners